Friday, June 29, 2012


The picture I wanted to include was a giant-sized Scrabble board with G-O-D in the center taken today at the Children's Museum in Jackson. I did not stage this photo, but found it as Ben was running around (he was really interested in the rock climbing wall, for a second). When I saw it, my first reaction was, "Really? Is God only worth 5 points in Scrabble? I'd have assumed more."  That will seem cold to some people but this is one thing that I see alot, and am tired of (get ready for a rant).
          Facebook, have you heard of it? It is the stomping ground for those who are semi-religious to seem super holy. Every time I look at FB, someone is posting things about God doing you favors for reposting a message, or you going to hell if you don't, or you don't love Jesus if you don't share the poem/pretty picture.
          Can I just say that the sentiment is nice, but is absolute boo boo? The thing that gets me about this is most of the time the people doing it seem to be trying to make penance for something they have done. Maybe if they post enough pictures of Jesus on the cross or blessing posts then they will be pardoned. I'm just not seeing this when I look into Scripture.
          There is nothing wrong with using social media to share your faith, it's actually one of the easiest, cheapest venues by which Christians can spread the good news. The only drawback to this is that we have made our attempts the easiest and cheapest as well. If it won't fit under 140 characters, then it need not be said, right?
          Next week, Sara and I are accompanying CrossPointe youth to Atlanta, Georgia. There, we will be doing some mission work, along with some fun things. Can I tell you that I am more excited about this than I have been about anything in a while? Not only is this a chance to tell strangers about Jesus, that's going to be great, but I also get to be with the young people who are our future. I am excited about hearing where they are now, I am excited about hearing where they want to go. I am excited about how excited they are.
          What they are about is not to make a move through cheesy posts and guilt-trip theology, but instead to know the people around them. Instead of throwing out a blanket invitation or accusation to people, they sit side by side, one on one, and share life together. To me, that sounds  much more appealing than a post, message, or card that has no person attached to it.
          When I think about spreading the Word, that is what I think of. That is what excites me. Moving beyond the normal boundaries to experiences that only God Himself can orchestrate. That, to me, is much more exciting than a secret game of Scrabble.
          Challenges do not come along often; at least ones that are difficult. This is a most difficult one. There is a clerk, a long-lost high school friend, a neighbor, a co-worker, an enemy, a brother, a boss, a father, that maybe you haven't talked to, or have avoided for some reason. Maybe you are in a hurry, maybe that person doesn't mean much to you, maybe they get on your nerves.
          Challenge: Identify 1 person and start praying for them. Pray for their life, that they might share it with you, pray for their heart, that Jesus might touch it, pray for the day that you will interact with this person on a deeper level.
Mighty movements begin with prayer for specific things.

*Note: If you do this, please post a comment about the experience you had.

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