Monday, July 2, 2012


          In the middle of Woodruff Park there is a small patch of grass that tonight was occupied by a small group of people. Although it didn't look like it, there were big things going on tonight. Earlier, we came across a giant chess board, as seen above. There were also several other games going on off to the side. Apparently chess is a hot game in Atlanta. We continued walking, looking for a place to hang out and get something to drink. 
          As we were waiting for some of the group to come back, several of us were approached by a homeless lady. Ayisha Patrice Lovette. She was charismatic, energetic, funny, and entertaining. By the time it was all over, we had heard her story. She was in need of help for her family. This is a common thing in Atlanta, and we were prepared to help as need be. 
          But John was not satisfied with simply handing out money or food to homeless people and going on about our business. Ministry can sometimes become like a social exchange; as meaningless and fruitless as the exchange between a clerk and a customer. So we spent the next 20 minutes talking with Ayisha about her life, about how the streets work in Atlanta, and about how God can really change her life. After, we prayed for her and went on our separate ways. 
          Once this was over, we all gathered in a small patch of grass in Woodruff Park and began to talk about what was going on in our lives; as related to the youth group and personally. There were a great many things brought to light that were necessary.
          One thing that Ayisha kept telling us was to take care of our family. In the moment, she was speaking to John's kids, but later the context changed to mean that of the youth group at CrossPointe. And I think this also applies to the church body as a whole. We are meant to deal with things, not make excuses, and search for healing from hurt so that whatever function we may be serving in will be to its highest potential.
          Even though this is just our first night in Atlanta, I am so excited at what God is doing already. What could the next move of CrossPointe youth be? Where can we go from here? Where or what is God leading our youth to do? This week, please pray for God to move in mighty ways within our youth group. May He touch hearts and lives so that those returning will, "do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly." Micah 6:8.
      Above is a picture of Ayisha Patrice Lovette. We only met one person tonight on the streets, but the experience from tonight will resound in the hearts of our youth for a long time to come. 

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