Sunday, September 16, 2012


          Some may read this in interest because of my love of books. Who would I pick? J.K. Rowling, Tolkien, Lewis, Riordan, Collins, H.G. Well, Jules Verne? (but for the record, I can't pin it down just yet) There are countless authors who have created epic stories and characters which will resonate through our culture for many years to come. These stories have shaped generations of wide-eyed children seeking adventure in the midst of their humdrum, ordinary lives. I've always been interested in authors. When I read their work, I think about the process behind how the story came to be. How long did they think about this character's back story? How did they get all of the minute details exactly right?
          The answer I have come up with is this; authors know things about the characters that they themselves do not know, authors know things about the story that no one knows until the very end. It's how mysteries are mysteries; things are only revealed when the time is right.
          As with many of my posts, this one turns to the spiritual. Jesus is called the Author and Perfecter of our faith. This gets me excited because from what I know about authors, there are some weighty implications here. God, who exists in all time, has authored history. He has authored the future, and he has authored the end of the story. That final period that rests on the end of the page. What's wonderful is that God knows my character and my story better than I do. He created me as a unique character among a cast spanning all of human history.
          Your story is unique as well. All of our stories are. They may have similar settings, conflicts, climaxes, and resolutions, but the subtle nuances that many do not notice, God does. Because He put them there. I am not claiming at all that I understand fully how God works in situations and why some things are done the way they are, but I do feel that God is a brilliant author who has penned the greatest stories ever to be written.
          Hey, it may be cheesy, it may even sound silly, but my favorite author is THE author, and I am able to visit the meaningful and intentional stories that he has written daily in the bible.
          Most times, the stories are of mistakes the characters have made, or of instances in which the author gets involved in the story (where else can you find that). Stories aren't always clean; stories are most times messy, it's why we have a part of story called conflict. But it's in those messy times that God does His greatest work.
          I'm a bookworm and will always be one, but that is the story God has penned for me. One of an imperfect person striving to be like a perfect Jesus.

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